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Best hotels of of Kazan — Мы рекомендуем:
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel
Hotel  3 звезды Hotel
on request
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Safar
Hotel Safar 3 звезды Hotel Safar
on request
1 Odnostoronniaya Grifka street, Kazan
The Kazan Kremlin, Qolsharif Mosque, National museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, The Kazan Sports Palace, m. Kremlevskaya, The Central Stadium
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Mirage
Hotel Mirage 5 звезды Hotel Mirage Best price guarntee
special price
1 Moskovskaya street, Kazan
The Kazan Kremlin, Street Bauman, Petropavlovski cathedral, Qolsharif Mosque, Blagoveschenskiy Cathedral, National museum of the Republic of Tatarstan, The Spasskaya Tower, m. Kremlevskaya
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Suleiman-Palace
Hotel Suleiman-Palace 4 звезды Hotel Suleiman-Palace
on request
55 Peterburgskaya street, Kazan
Kazan Railway Station, m. Ploshad Gabdully Tukaya
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Korston
Hotel Korston 4 звезды Hotel Korston Best price guarntee
special price
1 Yershova street, Kazan
Kazan bus station, Airport Kazan, m. Ploshad Gabdully Tukaya
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Shalyapin Palace-Hotel
Hotel Shalyapin Palace-Hotel 4 звезды Hotel Shalyapin Palace-Hotel Best price guarntee
special price
7 Universitetskaya street, Kazan
Street Bauman, The State Academic Theatre of Ballet and opera by M.Jalil., ul. Universitetskaya, m. Ploshad Gabdully Tukaya
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Golfstrim
Hotel Golfstrim 4 звезды Hotel Golfstrim Best price guarntee
special price
1 Azinskaya street, Kazan
The Kazan Kremlin, Blagoveschenskiy Cathedral, International Racing Complex "Kazan"
Гостиницы of Kazan. Hotel Grand Hotel Kazan
Hotel Grand Hotel Kazan 4 звезды Hotel Grand Hotel Kazan
on request
Street Bauman, The State Academic Theatre of Ballet and opera by M.Jalil., ul. Universitetskaya, m. Ploshad Gabdully Tukaya




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